Barmouth’s Growth as a Holiday Town - Residents and Visitors (JH)
Start: Registration point in Barmouth Ascent (Feet): 656
This is a leisurely walk around Barmouth looking at the way it grew as a holiday town during the 19th Century. It will also look at some of the local people who found opportunities in tourism and at some of the visitors, famous and not so famous, who came to the town. Most of the walk is on the level, but there are short, moderately steep ascents to St John’s Church and the railway bridge.
The walk will be led by a very knowledgeable local guide who has undertaken academic research in this area.
If you are interested in this walk you may also find the Tuesday evening talk with Fish and Chip Supper of interest. Although the walk and the talk are standalone events they do complement each other.
What Three Words
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Public Transport
Dog Friendly?